Ist Annual Summerfolk Singing’ and swinging’ Golf Tournament
register now..
Saturday, June 23 1 PM
Join us at Stonetree Golf and Fitness for our 1st Annual Festival Golf Tournament.
Entry fee includes
-Cart and course fees ( 18 Holes)
-Dinner ( roasted Chicken or vegetarian)
-Live Entertainment throughout
-Silent and Live Auctions
… and more
Course Prizes
-Individual and Team prizes
-Four (4) Mulligans per team
-Longest Drive ( Male/Female)
-Closest to the Pin ( male/Female)
… and more
Sponsorship Opportunities
-To complimentary Golf Teams ( 8 Players)
-Name and logo appear as sponsor @ event
-One hole sponsorship
Silver- $550
-One complimentary golf team(4 Players)
-one hole sponsorship
Bronze- $100
-One hole sponsorship
Registration/payment options
-Team registration ( 4 players) – 500
-Individual Registration- $125
Registrations online
or by calling 519-371-2995