August 15th – 17th, 2025

Volunteer At Summerfolk

Volunteering is a great way to see Summerfolk from the inside!
Applications Close Wednesday, August 14th! If you still want to volunteer after this, call us at 519-371-2995

Why We Like Volunteers

The Georgian Bay Folk Society looks forward to welcoming people from all over to come and join our volunteer family! We are continually seeking new volunteers to share their experiences, knowledge and ideas within our community. Meet new people, share ideas, collaborate with like minds, learn a new technique or just come and hang out in an open, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Volunteers are always welcome and are greatly appreciated; the festival would not run without the generous time donated by all of our volunteers!

By Volunteering at Summerfolk for a minimum of 12 hours, you receive;

All applicants must complete the Health and Safety training below.

Applicants must read and abide by the following rules and regulation. 

Volunteer Code Of Conduct

Persons With Disabilities Customer Service

Volunteer Camping Policy

Camping Application is sent biweekly in the Volunteer Newsletter, and you must submit a Volunteer Application to begin receiving the newsletter

Returning for 2024: Camp Summerfolk!


• Week-long day camp, including the festival weekend

• Opportunity for students to earn up to 40 volunteer hours in one week

• Games, food, and more!

• Build skills in leadership, event planning, cooperation, and problem-solving

• Make friends and enjoy live music! 


• High school students aged 14-18


Tuesday August 15th-Tuesday August 22nd, 2023


Kelso Beach at Nawash Park, Owen Sound

CLICK HERE to learn more!

To sign up, please fill out a Volunteer Application and check “Yes” to the question “Are you interested in joining Camp Summerfolk?” 

What Crew Is Right For You?

The accreditation crew helps to register all festival volunteers, VIPs, sponsors and will put on their wristbands.

Duties include:

  • Help to hand out media accreditation as needed & refer unaccredited members of the media to the Media Liaison Crew Chief.
  • Liaise with the Hotel Hospitality crew and provide accreditation for performers and/or kin who did not pick up their accreditation at the Hotel.
  • Work with Volunteer Services to prepare lanyards and t-shirts for volunteers, as well maintain a list of any volunteers who do not show up for their shift.

The Access Service Krew or Just ASK is a section of the First Aid crew which helps to ensure the GBFS is fulfilling all requirements that by the AODA. This crew is happy to greet and provide assistance to patrons with disabilities or any others who may require special festival services.  This crew will assist with registrations, hand out information as needed and manage accessible areas.

If you are organized, good with people and have a keen eye for detail, you will feel right at home with the Administration crew.  Under the supervision of festival staff, this crew is ready to assist everyone – providing directions, communications and general information throughout the festival weekend.

The main objective of the Ambassador volunteers is the overall safety and security of the festival and its patrons. Ambassador Volunteers will wear designated attire which will be provided by the Georgian Bay Folk Society  and must be worn at all times while on duty. This will enable all Ambassador Volunteers to be easily identified by everyone. The specified uniforms will not be worn while off duty.

Police are on site for problems involving rowdiness, alcohol, drugs, fighting etc. They are there for everyone’s benefit and safety. The main goal of our Ambassador crew is to uphold the Spirit of the Festival – a safe environment that is friendly, music-driven, and relaxed, while also ensuring a high standard of professionalism. 

AMPHITHEATRE – Amphitheatre ambassadors will work cooperatively with the Front and South gate ambassadors to choreograph the seating arrangements in the amphitheatre. Each person waiting in the lineup can save a maximum of four seats in the amphitheatre. Ambassadors will be asked to do random aisle checks in the Amphitheatre throughout the festival to ensure a safe and secure environment for all patrons; as well as to provide information to patrons when requested. They will ensure that all aisles are clear in case of emergency.

There are ambassadors in place all day, even when nothing is going on – to maintain a safe and fun festival environment.

BACKSTAGE – Includes gate control and wrist band checks. All required to have their Smart Serve Certification on file with the Georgian Bay Folk Society office and be 19 years of age.

LICENSED AREA(S) – Ambassador Volunteers working at the licensed areas – Down by the Bay Tent, Backstage Bar, and Wine Bar – are all required to have their Smart Serve Certification on file with the Georgian Bay Folk Society office and be 19 years of age. Volunteer duties may involve: gate control, wrist band checks, checking for appropriate ID for age of majority, maintaining the cleanliness of the licensed area by picking up garbage and recyclable cups, help anyone who may need assistance with a cab ride home and catching some excellent shows.

Must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer on all Ambassador crews.

The main objective of the Ambassador volunteers is the overall safety and security of the festival and its patrons. Ambassador Volunteers will wear designated attire which will be provided by the Georgian Bay Folk Society and must be worn at all times while on duty. This will enable all Ambassador Volunteers to be easily identified by everyone. The specified uniforms will not be worn while off duty.

Police are on site for problems involving rowdiness, alcohol, drugs, fighting etc. They are there for everyone’s benefit and safety. The main goal of our security crew is to uphold the Spirit of the Festival – a safe environment that is friendly, music-driven, and relaxed, while also ensuring a high standard of professionalism. 

FRONT GATE – Ambassadors will assist patrons in the lineup procedure including gate control and wristband checks. Patrons who attempt to butt into the line are asked to move to the back of the line. Hand out pre-entry line numbers, if required. Check all bags and coolers for alcohol or contraband prior to entry into the festival.

SOUTH GATE – Including gate control and wrist band checks; check all bags and coolers for alcohol or contraband prior to entry into the festival.

WATERGATE – Including gate control and wrist band checks; check all bags and coolers for alcohol or contraband prior to entry into the festival.

NORTH GATE /VOLUNTEER CAMPING – Maintain gate control and complete wrist band checks. North Gate shall not be used for public access. This is the service entrance for food vendors, deliveries, volunteers and emergency vehicles, if needed. North Gate/Camping Ambassadors are responsible for keeping the emergency lane clear, and to ensure volunteers are using the camping area respectively. 

Must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer on all Ambassador crews.

Apprentices are volunteers between the ages of 14-18 years old, and are scheduled to work on at least two different crews over the weekend. This allows the younger volunteers a chance to get a feel for the festival, meet some different individuals and become familiar with some of the volunteer roles available. New volunteers are paired up with experienced volunteers from the selected crew for guidance.

Duties of this role include:

  • Work with Artisan Village Coordinator to meet, greet and direct artisan vendors as they come on to the village site.
  • Act as host to the artisan vendors during village hours for general assistance and relief.

All hours on this crew are completed during the festival weekend.

Everyone loves autograph sessions at the festival! The Autograph crew is ready to assist performers to sign up for autograph sessions at various stages on Saturday and Sunday. 

Backstage Café volunteers maintain the café area and provide light snacks and beverages in the backstage area.

The duties of this position may include:

  • Setting out light snacks, condiments, cups and plates as needed.
  • Make coffee, tea and hot chocolate and put available cold beverages on ice.
  • Liaise with the Technical Coordinator to ensure that staging crews have eaten; if necessary, deliver food to them.
  • Keep backstage café clean and tidy.
  • Provide light meals and snacks for overnight security personnel.

The Backstage Hospitality crew works to welcome performers to the site as they arrive backstage and make them feel welcome.

Duties include:

  • Keep the Green Room and change rooms tidy
  • Provide security at the Green Room entrances, ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the area
  • Answer the backstage phone to relay messages as needed.
  • After the main stage concert ends on Sunday evening, before leaving the site, clean and sweep the backstage area.
  • Return any Lost & Found articles to the Administration Tent for transportation to the office.
  • Return tables and chairs to the Main bar.

All bar volunteers must be a minimum 19 years of age with up-to-date Smart Serve certification.

Duties include:

  • Pouring and serving all refreshments from the bar
  • Accept cash and operate a cash register/POS system
  • Monitor the crowd for problem patrons, crowd size and under-aged drinkers.
  • Help the bar Ambassador team clean the grounds and tables in the bar area
  • Gather garbage, recyclable cups, etc.
  • Provide assistance to Bar Coordinator and crew chiefs when required.

Box office volunteer duties include:

  • Process box office ticket sales on site.
  • Provide patrons with “will call” tickets (provided by the approved ticket vendor.)
  • Work with ticket vender to provide patrons with appropriate receipts and wristbands.
  • Refer issues, concerns or special requests to the attention of the Administration/Festival Staff.

Family Village volunteers assist children and their parents in carrying out activities in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

The duties of this position include:

  • Assisting children and youth at the craft tables and wood working area.
  • Maintain stock sufficient supplies on each table for the designated activity.
  • Assist with set up in the morning and clean up after closing.


Hours of Operation for the Family Village:

  • Saturday: 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Volunteers on the Commercial Food Crew provide direct assistance to food vendors. Their duties include:

  • Providing accreditation for food vendors and their staff and will put wristbands on for them
  • Assist food vendors to restock their booths as needed.
  • Register all food village staff for their shifts.

Hours of operation:

  • Friday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Piloted in 2022, the Summerfolk Community Village is a festival attraction that aims to showcase local nonprofits and community-based organizations! The Community Village is located on top of the hill at the south end of the park, towards the Down By the River stage, and will feature a range of informative and interactive booths. Learn more about the Community Village by clicking HERE.

This crew supports the needs of our Community Village participants, under the direction of the Community Village Coordinator(s).

Duties of this role include:

  • Work with Community Village Coordinator to meet, greet and direct exhibitors as they come on to the village site.
  • Act as host to the exhibitors during festival hours for general assistance and relief.

Construction volunteers must be a minimum of 16 years of age.

Construction Volunteers report directly to the Site Coordinator.

The duties of this position include:

  • The preparation and installation of all staging and booths for the Festival.
  • In accordance with the approved site plan, volunteers will move materials from the storage area to specific locations around the festival site.
  • Under the direction of the Site Coordinator volunteers will install perimeter fencing, paint booths and staging.
  • During the festival weekend, repair and maintain booths, staging and fencing as necessary.
  • After the festival, during tear down, assist with the dismantling and storage of construction materials and equipment.

Construction crew will work the week prior, during and after the festival.

Construction Food Volunteers deliver and serve food to the Construction and Electrical Crew volunteers.

With the direction of the crew chief the duties of this position may include:

  • Preparing lunch and supper meals
  • Pick up donated meals from suppliers as arranged by the crew chief
  • Deliver food to the construction site at noon and again at 5 o’clock each day during the construction and tear down process, and set out the food in the backstage area.
  • Ensure a volunteer notifies all working volunteers that their meal is ready
  • After the meal, clean up the area and store any leftovers.


Construction food crew will work prior to the festival weekend.

Located at the Down By the River “Dance Stage,” volunteers will:

  • Greet performing artists backstage and confirm technical data
  • Assist in technical setup on stage(s), when necessary.
  • Assist in maintaining the set performance schedule.

Electrical Services crew volunteers report directly to the Electrical Services Coordinator.

The duties of this position may include:

  • Being responsible for the preparation and installation of all electrical systems for staging, security, food booths, etc. relating to the conduct of the Festival.
  • In accordance with the approved site plan, move materials from the electrical trailer storage area to specific locations around the festival site.
  • Install panels, wiring, and electrical equipment under the direction of the Electrical Services Coordinator.
  • During the festival weekend, repair and maintain electrical services as necessary.
  • After the festival, during tear down, assist with the dismantling and storage of electrical materials under the direction of the Electrical Coordinator.

The Financial Services crew is responsible for the management of cash on the festival site.

This crew will process credit card slips and record the information as directed by coordinator and crew chief. Record information on the computerized festival ledger.

First Aid Services crew volunteers report directly to the First Aid Coordinator. The duties of this position include:

  • Providing First Aid services for patrons, volunteers, staff and contractors on site.
  • Under the direction of the Coordinator and in compliance with the Lost Children policy, assist in setting up the registration area and register children and parents at the festival.
  • Provide support for Accessibility Support Krew (ASK)

This crew supports all other crews by shuttling materials and equipment around the festival grounds, from the Summerfolk office, and occasionally around the Owen Sound area. This crew primarily operates during set-up week, and occasionally during festival hours.

The General Store crew, consisting of roughly 40 volunteers, is assigned to a variety of tasks that, when executed successfully, sell Summerfolk-branded merchandise, as well as provide a consignment service to the festival performers whereby they can provide their merchandise for sale to the festival attendees. 

Volunteer roles include:

  • Customer Service
  • Inventory Management
  • “Satellite Table” Management
  • Performer Merchandise Management
  • Set-Up/Tear-Down.

Ideal volunteers will be friendly, efficient and self-motivated, and have cash register/point-of-sale (POS) experience, retail experience, and/or enjoy working with the public. 

Are you passionate about green initiatives and sustainability? Share your passion with festival attendees and help us reduce the festival’s impact on the environment by promoting our compost program and other initiatives! The Green & Clean crew is an amalgamation of the Trash and Greening crew, who have come together to work towards making the festival greener and more sustainable.

This team makes Kelso Beach at Nawash Park look brand new each morning with garbage/recycling/compost station pickups throughout the day and evening (Friday through Sunday), and is responsible for restocking supplies in the permanent and portable bathrooms on-site (when necessary), and delivers garbage bags and recycled materials to the designated on-site disposal bins.

Thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, audiences, funders and partners, we will continue to make reductions in our environmental footprint, and great strides in the promotion of environmental education!

Hotel Hospitality delivers packages of information and accreditation for the performers as they arrive at our host hotel.

The crew provides breakfast and light snacks for performers at the hotel throughout the weekend, and hosts a Sunday evening social event for performers, festival crew chiefs and coordinators.

Come join the instrument lock up crew to help bring the magic to the festival!

The duties of this position include:

  • Taking instruments from performers in exchange for a claim ticket
  • Place instruments inside secure storage facility
  • Provide security at the entrance to the lock-up
  • Return instruments to performers when claim ticket is produced
  • Refer any complaints or concerns to the attention of the Instrument Lock-up Crew Chief.

Duties of this crew include:

  • Load instruments from Performer Shuttle and Instrument Lockup into the cart and push the cart to the designated stage.
  • Assist the performers and/or stage crew to lift instruments from the cart to the stage.
  • After the performance, assist performers and stage crew to remove instruments from the stage.
  • Move instruments and equipment back to the lockup as needed.
  • Assist performers carrying their instruments to and from their vehicles
  • On request, meet performer’s vehicles in the parking lot to assist in delivering instruments and equipment to staging areas.

Are you a folkie at heart who knows the festival inside and out? Come volunteer in the information booth to help to answer questions from the public!

Duties include:

  • Answer patron questions about the program, the festival, and the site and tourist facilities in the area.
  • Provide information and directions to the various festival attractions
  • Help to operate the Lost & Found
  • Hand out festival programs/brochures, and sell raffle tickets.
  • Collect volunteer and audience survey forms and returned ID badges.   


Hours of operation for the Information Booth:

  • Friday: 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The Media Liaison crew helps to work with the media to provide media packages, schedule interviews with performers and arrange locations for interviews.

The parking crew follows the direction of the Parking Crew Chief to help direct traffic, monitor parking spaces for Summerfolk parking passes, and helps to keep our pedestrians safe as they enter the festival grounds. 

Winner! Gagnant!

The raffle crew works throughout the weekend to sell 50/50 tickets and showcases the silent auction at the festival.  This crew works with General Manager to acquire raffle prizes, arrange advance and on-site sales of raffle tickets, advance and on-site display of prizes, draw, and prize distribution. The crew chief will coordinate crew schedules throughout the festival for maximum ticket sales.  Lastly, the crew will submit all raffle funds to the Finance Crew and the remaining tickets and unclaimed prizes to the Admin Crew, once the final draw has been completed Sunday at 7 pm at the Amphitheatre stage.

One of six stages at the festival, the Sharing Circle prepares the stage and encourages others to present their spoken word piece to the crowd.

Duties of the Sharing Circle crew include:

  • Greet performing artists backstage
  • Help to confirm technical data and technical setup on stage
  • Assist in maintaining the set performance schedule. 


Sharing Circle is open Saturday and Sunday during the day.

Staging crews will assist the Artistic Director and Technical Director(s) in producing concerts and workshops during the day and evening of the festival.  Volunteers will help the Artistic Director, Technical Director, Stage Crew Coordinator, evening hosts and performers, to co-ordinate main stage activities. 

Staging crew duties include:

  • Greet performing artists backstage
  • Confirm technical data & assist in technical setup on stage(s)
  • Assist in maintaining the set performance schedule to keep Summerfolk on track throughout the weekend.

The Wine Bar Gazebo is one of six stage locations at the festival.

Wine Bar volunteers will work both as ambassadors and servers for the area.  This bar specializes in wine and cheese service, and is licensed by Coffin Ridge Winery!

All Wine Bar volunteers must be at least 19 years of age and have their Smart Serve certification.

Under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator, the Volunteer Services crew duties include:

  • Assist the Volunteer Coordinator prepare for the festival by receiving and processing memberships and assisting in creating volunteer badges.
  • Throughout the festival weekend, help at the Volunteer Services Tent with collecting volunteer surveys, providing a rest area for volunteers, maintaining the cleanliness of tent and more.


Some hours may be done prior to the festival.